WestvilleAG.org Special Events Westville Head Start Parent Survey

Westville Head Start Parent Survey

Westville Assembly of God

P. O. Box 129

2513 Cypress St.

Westville, FL. 32464



Dear Head Start Parent,

         We are surveying the families of the Westville Head Start Program to determine if there is a need for a low-cost “After School Child Care Facility” located in Westville.  We are seeking your input as we prayerfully consider creating such a service, if it is needed. 

         If you believe your family has need for this service, please respond to this survey as soon as is convenient for you by calling 850.548.5074 or emailing us at westvilleag@gmail.com to leave a message with your name and a contact phone number so we can communicate with you individually.  Please understand we are taking step one of finding out if this need exists.  Concerns about hours of operation, costs, limitations, etc. will be addressed if there is a need for us to pursue them.

         Thank you for your time, and may God bless your family.


                                             Buddy Pennington, Pastor

                                             Westville Assembly of God

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