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Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 3, Part 3, Cont’d.)

This is the conclusion of the lesson from Malachi 3:5

Those who cheat employees of their wages are essentially greedy liars. They want to
keep as much as possible for themselves, even to the point of not paying their just and
honest debts to those who work for them. When someone owes a debt, especially to an
employee, and tries to stall in paying the debt, then that person is just like the cheating,
greedy employers of Malachi’s day.

People who oppress widows and orphans take advantage of the defenseless in society.
They exploit and manipulate those without any means of support in order to benefit
themselves, instead of others. They seek to promote themselves and their own interests
by purposely controlling the less fortunate like widows and orphans. Oppressors today
are the same type of people Malachi was warning, whether they are politicians, business
owners, or even religious leaders.

Finally, people who deprive foreigners who live in a nation and accept its laws and
customs of justice are demonstrating a discriminatory attitude. They favor those who
are just like them, without admitting that other people who are willing to seek residence
in a foreign country can be productive members of that society. God had commanded
Israel to allow foreigners to live in the nation if they were worshipping Jehovah and
abiding by His commandments. People who are willing to make a nation their new home
by legally entering it and following its laws and adapting to its culture deserve justice.

It’s interesting to note that the eternal judge tells Israel, and us today, that He is eager to
judge them, and us. God’s holiness demands holiness from those who claim His name,
whether we are talking about the people of the nation of Israel or the people who call
themselves “Christian” today.

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