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Ten Minutes with Malachi

Lesson 3, Part 1

Malachi 3:1 NLT. [1] “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

Every time God has moved in man’s history, if He did not make a statement Himself, he would send someone to give advanced notice of His actions.  His spokesmen and spokeswomen would declare God’s intentions and try to get people to understand that the future was going to be established by God.  They often gave warnings of coming destruction of those who were rebelling against God’s authority.  And they told of the rewards of keeping a close relationship with God.

Yes, God sends messengers.  This one in Malachi 3:1 is special.  He will come to prepare the way for the eternal judge.  He will get the stage ready for the coming of the Lord, the Messiah.

Many in Israel in Malachi’s day were looking for Messiah to appear.  They had returned from bondage and, even though they were making some serious mistakes in their relationship with God, they were waiting for the promised descendent of David to arrive.  That descendant would bring complete freedom from oppression.  The promised ruler from David’s family would destroy Israel’s enemies and bring in lasting peace.  They were tired of being the underdogs and wanted Him to appear.

When God made the covenant with King David that all the nations would be blessed through his descendant, He did not give a time frame for the fulfillment of the covenant.  That covenant was fulfilled many generations later in Jesus, who is called the Christ, which is another word for Messiah.

That covenant fulfilling Messiah was announced by John the Baptist.  John admitted that he was not Messiah.  He declared that he was the voice in the wilderness crying out for people to prepare the way for the Lord’s appearing.  John brought the message of repentance so people would be ready when Messiah did appear to bring forgiveness of sins and eternal life through faith in Jesus.

When Malachi told the people the Messiah was coming, he made two important observations about His coming.  First, He will come suddenly.  In other words, Messiah’s arrival would be quick and not be a long, drawn out event.  He would essentially appear from nowhere.

Second, the coming of Messiah was surely, definitely, absolutely, without a doubt, going to happen.  God always fulfills His promises, and this promise was a done deal.  God was going to make sure this prophesy occurred.  Malachi was reminding the people that this future event was not a “maybe;” it was a “guarantee.”

When Jesus arrived on the scene as Messiah, He didn’t bring a military revolt against the oppressive Roman government that controlled Israel at the time.  Because His first appearing and ministry dealt with spiritual salvation Jesus was rejected by the leaders of Israel.  They wanted a conquering military leader.  

But that was not His reason for coming the first time.  His purpose was to bring an end to the power satan held over people through death.  His purpose was to reveal the kingdom of God to His followers.  His purpose was to become the blessing to all nations that had been promised to King David.

When John announced the arrival of Messiah, his statement was, “Behold, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.”  As a messenger from God, he announced the arrival of the Lord, who established the new covenant of faith through the sacrifice of Jesus.  The one Israel had been looking for had come suddenly.

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