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Ten Minutes with James. Lesson 6, Part 2

Scripture Reference: James 2:21-26

This part of Lesson 6 gives us two examples of people who demonstrated through their actions that they had faith in God.  The first is Abraham; the second is Rahab.  

Abraham had already demonstrated his faith in God before he took the trip to sacrifice his son Isaac.  He had left his family and all he knew as normal behind and set out to travel to a place God would show him.  He had already interceded for the town where his nephew Lot had lived.  He had already trusted that God would give him a son.  Abraham’s whole journey toward a promised land was one act of faith after another.  He proved his faith by what he had done.  And his actions were rewarded by God.

The events surrounding Rahab and how she is spared during the battle for Jericho are the second example James gives us of faith proven through good deeds.  She believed the God of Israel was the real God before she ever met the two spies.  She had heard how two other armies were defeated by the rag-tag army of refugees from Egyptian bondage.  When she did meet and hide them from her own people, she was taking the side of the Israelites in the upcoming battle.  Her reliance on their promise to protect her was rewarded by Rahab becoming part of the ancestry of the Messiah.

There are many modern people who have proven they possessed faith in God through their actions.  There are Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, and Joni Erickson Tada, just to name three.  You may know someone personally who has demonstrated their faith in God by doing good deeds for others.  Perhaps your grandparent or parent was such a person.  Maybe it is an old classmate or college roommate or working partner.  Maybe a neighbor or distant cousin is always a helping hand to people in need.  

Abraham, Rahab and all those others I just mentioned had faith while alive or have faith now.  Those who watch their lives have been able to see their faith lived out in their good deeds.  Their faith cannot be classed as worthless or lifeless.  Their actions prove their faith exists.

Let us pray that we will be like them and prove our faith through our good deeds.

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