WestvilleAG.org Uncategorized Sunday, March 22, 2020 Today’s Message: Three Thoughts About Prayer

Sunday, March 22, 2020 Today’s Message: Three Thoughts About Prayer

Today’s post comes from my notes on prayer. These were originally intended to be shared on location at Westville Assembly of God during today’s morning worship service. However, since we are in a health crisis created by the contagious nature of the COVID-19 virus, we are turning to an alternate format for our service by sharing these notes on the internet. It is our prayer that everyone who reads and participates today will be encouraged in their faith and will be able to talk to God (pray) with greater determination than before. May God bless you as you read and/or comment.

Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:18-20–I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. I also tell you this: if two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.

There are at least three important statements involved in this passage. They answer these three questions: Where is Jesus when we pray? How important is agreement when we pray? What authority do we have when we pray? Here are three answers to these question I believe are found in the passage.

#1–Whenever two or three, two or more, are gathered under the authority given to the name of Jesus by God the Father, Jesus will be right there with them. We know this is true because Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit to dwell with His disciples and in them. Whenever the Holy Spirit is present, Jesus and the Father are both present, too.

This statement is important because it lets us know that when we gather to worship as followers of Jesus’ teachings, our worship will be noticed by God. All our acts of worship–praying, bringinon g our tithes and freewill offerings, interceding for others, praising Jesus for what He is doing in our lives, studying and discussing scriptures, even our singing, is done in His presence and is recognized by Him. We are assured by this passage that Jesus knows when we gather in an effort to bring glory and honor to Him.

#2–When two or more of His disciples are in agreement and seek God’s action regarding our lives here on this earth, our heavenly Father will hear and answer our petition. Unity of purpose, being in one accord, seeking God with a common goal, gives power to our prayers. Our corporate prayers as believers will be heard by the Father, and He will respond.

Keep in mind that as we agree and pray about anything, that we need to make sure we are praying according to the will of God. We can do that by applying some simple questions to what we ask the Father to do. First, will the answer bring glory to the name of Jesus? Second, does the request line up with scripture and the teachings of Jesus? Last, are we praying just to satisfy our wants, or is there a definite need that exists? If we can determine that a request will glorify Jesus, fit what He taught and answer a real need, then it should be made. That type of prayer gets answers from the Father.

#3–We have the authority to bind or forbid something on this earth, and when we do that, God binds or forbids it in heaven. We also have the authority to loose or permit something on earth, and when we do that, God permits and loosens it in heaven. Please pay attention to this–the authority Jesus gives His disciples includes being able to stop the works of satan and release the work of the Holy Spirit on this earth and in heaven.

We have been given the authority to tie the devil’s hands spiritually and physically. We don’t have to keep allowing satan to hinder us. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are part of God’s family and have been given authority to represent Jesus on this earth and to overcome the works of satan because Jesus has destroyed those works.

Do we accept that Jesus is with us here today through the presence of the Holy Spirit? Then we can pray and see results. Do we agree that God has called us to reach our communities for His kingdom? Then we can pray and see results. Do we believe Jesus has given us the authority to bind satan and to loose the love of God into our lives and into the lives of our family members, our friends, our neighbors, and our colleagues? Then we can pray and see results.

2 Peter 3:9 tells us that it is God’s will that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Jesus taught in Matthew 12:29 and Mark 3:7 that the strong man of a house has to be bound before he can be conquered and spoils taken from him. I firmly believe praying for the devil to be bound in our communities is according to the teachings of Jesus and is in accordance to scripture and the will of God. I also believe asking God to loose the people of our communities so the Holy Spirit can bring forgiveness into their lives is, too.

If we expect to win our communities for Christ, we must do the necessary praying in agreement, binding of the enemy and loosing of the power of God. It’s time to pray, because Jesus is with us and will hear our prayers.

I challenge you to pray right now. Take the time to talk to God about what is on your heart today. Take the time to intercede for the needs of people you know. Take the time to agree with me that God’s mercy and grace can be poured out on this land once again. Take the time to ask God to bring His mighty love and power into your life and into the lives of those you love.

After praying, if you would like to comment, please feel free to do so. This post is not intended to create a platform for theological debate. It is intended to encourage believers in Jesus as we pray for our loved ones and nation. If you would like to keep track of this post and read the other comments that are made or any responses I may make to comments, please check the two boxes below the comments space before submitting your comments. Your email/info will not be shared with anyone.

God Bless. May the you take the light and love of Jesus with you wherever you go.

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