WestvilleAG.org Uncategorized Sunday, June 7, 2020 God Knows Your Heart

Sunday, June 7, 2020 God Knows Your Heart

John 2:25 NLT

No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.

In this passage from John 2, the statement is made that Jesus knew what was in each person’s heart.  God knows what is in my heart, and He knows what is in your heart, too.  Jesus knows what kind of heart we have, whether it’s a good heart or an evil one.

We cannot look at a heart and know what is inside that heart when it comes to someone’s relationship to God.  We cannot know with certainty the spiritual state of a heart, because we can only see the physical nature of others.  We cannot see their spiritual state of affairs.  We see their actions, but we cannot see what is in their hearts that motivates them to perform those actions.

But God can.  He can see our motives.  He knows our thoughts.  He knows why we do what we do.

He is the creator of mankind, and as creator, He knows us completely.  He knows the number of hairs on our heads, the number of days we will live and whether or not we are serving Him in truth and in spirit.

When God looks at our hearts, does He see a heart consumed with chaos, or does He see a heart full of the peace He gives?  Does He see love for Him and our neighbors, or does He see hatred and bitter envy?  Does God see a desire for justice for all, or does God see prejudices and lack of trust for those who are not just like us?

It is my opinion that our country is in its current state of fear and turmoil and unrest because our people are reacting to what we see in the physical realm only.  I believe we are responding to physical information only, without taking into account what is in the hearts of those we see on the screen during news reports or who are posting on social media.  We don’t know what’s in the hearts, and because we don’t know, we are making false assumptions and are reacting in a manner that reflects our own hearts that may or may not be pure before God.

Why do we question the motives of others?  Because we don’t really know what’s in their hearts.  But God does.  Why do we become defensive when someone questions our way of life?  Because we don’t actually know what’s motivating that questioning.  But God does.  Why are we so quick to judge others, but refuse to accept we may have flaws in our systems of social behavior or laws or customs?  Because we cannot see their hearts or are unwilling to take a look at our own hearts.  But God knows what’s in their hearts, and He knows what resides inside ours, too.

You have heard me say many times that what goes into our minds will make its way into our hearts and come out from our hearts in our words and actions.

I stress to you the importance of what we allow to enter our minds because of this spiritual principle that always plays out.  I’ll say it again—be careful about what goes into your mind.  It will make its way to your heart and come out in what you say and what you do.

Give me a moment to share some encouragement for everyone under the sound of my voice today when it comes to what is in our hearts.  It has to deal with what we allow to enter our hearts.   Allow me to refer to something King David of Israel said about hearts.  King David chose to live with a pure heart before God, and his choices and actions proved it.  We can, too.

Psalm 101:2,4-5 NLT. [2] I will be careful to live a blameless life…I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. [4] I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. [5] I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride.

A life that reflects a blameless heart, a heart full of integrity, will please God.  A heart that rejects perversion and avoids every type of evil will please God.  A heart that demands honesty and avoids slander and gossip will please God.  A heart that will not tolerate pride, arrogance or conceit, self-righteousness, if you will let me use that word, will please God.

When God looks at our hearts, my heart, your heart, does He see the kind of heart that pleases Him.  Does God know your heart has inside it things that please Him?  We’re going to close out our time together with prayer.  Ask God to reveal to you if there is anything that would not please Him in your heart, and ask Him to remove it.  Ask God to help you have a pure heart.  He already knows what is in your heart.  Ask Him to help you have the right things in your heart.

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