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Praying According to God’s Will–Part 2

Have your Bible with you so you can look for the scripture references I list in this message. To view the video of this message, click here.

In the last message, I shared about praying for the will of God to be done in lives, and that message began to answer the question, “What is God’s will?” We discussed that it is the will of God that none should be separated from Him for all eternity, but that all should repent and ask Him to forgive their sins. We also saw that it is God’s will that all should believe in Jesus as their savior. Finally, we looked at the concept of free will and what part that plays in choosing to believe in Jesus or choosing not to believe.

This message today will add two more aspects dealing with praying according to the will of God. Both can be found in the apostle Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica.

The first aspect comes from Paul’s instruction dealing with living in a holy manner, rather than indulging in pagan sexual practices of the day. (1 Thessalonians 4:3, 7) The gentile believers in Thessalonica were in a society that indulged in satisfying sexual urges by, among other practices, going to prostitutes who were connected to temples of the pagan gods the people had been worshiping before being exposed to the good news about Jesus. Paul warned them that being involved in fornication, what we would call free or open sexual acts outside of marriage, would create an impure lifestyle.

When we pray that God’s will be done in our lives or in the lives of those we love, we are also asking God to help us live in a holy manner that does not involve sexual sins. We are seeking God’s help to overcome lack of self-control when it comes to our sexual urges. This is a worthy prayer, because no other sin affects our bodies like this one does physically, emotionally and spiritually.

This teaching is not popular in our society today, just like it was not popular in Paul’s day. But popularity or lack of popularity does not change the impact of this teaching in our lives. The truth is that God has not called us to live in self-indulgence, especially when it comes to sexual matters. He calls us to live in purity, in holiness, in self-control in all areas of our lives, and that includes in our sexuality. Pray that God’s will be done in your own life and in the lives of others, including in matters about control of sexual desires.

The second aspect involved in God’s will being done as we pray is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18. It is God’s will that when we pray on a regular, continual basis that we put thanksgiving into our prayers. Be thankful for our blessings. Let God know that we recognize His blessings and that we place value on them.

Thanksgiving is not just a holiday in November. It is a lifestyle. Thanksgiving in our prayers reveals to God that we understand He is the source of all we receive that blesses our lives and draws us closer to him. Thanksgiving opens our spirits to the endurance we need to overcome the times when life drops a truckload of bad stuff into our lives.

We are all living with the effects of one of those truckloads of bad stuff right now. We’re looking at shortages of things we’ve taken for granted for a very long time. We’re looking at travel restrictions and limits on how many people can gather together at one time in one place. We’re facing possible infection by a mutated strain of flue that is very contagious.

Complaints and finger-pointing abound from those who seek to promote their own agendas in this crisis. Finding fault and condemnation fill social media and are fueled by discontent and lack of thankfulness. Now is the very time when we need to pray that God’s will for us to be thankful in all things would prevail.

Do we still have a job? Be thankful. Has a delivery truck made it to a local store? Be thankful. Did someone call, text or email you to check on you? Be thankful. Have you gotten a, “We’re praying for you”? Be thankful.

An attitude of thankfulness when we pray lines up with the will of God. It changes how we approach problems because it gives us an over-comer mindset, instead of a defeated mindset. It places an openness in our thinking that enables us to see solutions that escape those who are complainers and are closed-minded. Thankfulness encourages others, not just ourselves. Face it, who would you rather be around–a complainer or someone who is thankful and positive?

God knows thankfulness in prayer helps us. He knows living in purity helps us, too. When we pray that God’s will be done, we are praying that these two concepts be fulfilled in our life and in the lives of those we love.

Do you need to talk to God about your own life or the life of someone else? Let’s take a moment and do that right now. I’ll pray in print; you pray in your own way right where you are.

“Dear Father, I ask that you help us all to live in accordance to your will for our lives. Help us to pray to possess self-control over our desires so that we can live in purity and holiness before you. Help us to always be thankful for the many blessings you send our way, even when problems try to bring fear or frustration into our existence.

I pray for everyone who has been affected by this terrible virus. I pray you would help those who are desperately seeking your help because they have nowhere else to turn but you. Comfort, guide and strengthen our leaders. Help us to help others during this trying time. I give you praise for what you are going to do. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus and to give Him all the praise and honor He is due. Amen”

As I conclude this message, allow me to invite you to join in for future posts. Please leave comments, prayer requests and testimonies so we can share them with other people. Before submitting something to us, please check the “contact me” boxes so we can let you know about other comments or posts as they appear. I also encourage you to like our FB page-Westville AG. God bless and hope to “see you” soon.

1 thought on “Praying According to God’s Will–Part 2”

  1. Found out we reached twice as many folks using the net last weekend as we normally reach on a Sunday morning. I believe that deserves a Praise the Lord! God is still in control.

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