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Praying According to God’s Will

(Have your Bible with you so you can look up the scripture references listed in this message. To view the video of this message click here.)

Part of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6 says, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” When we pray for God’s will to be done, do we understand what His will is? We’re taught that if we pray according to the will of God, He will answer our prayers. Just what is that “will of God” for which we pray?

Jesus gave us some insight into our goal of praying for God’s will in John 6:38-40. This passage lets us know that it is God’s will that everything and everyone the Father has given to the Son should be maintained and not lost. It also tells us that everyone who can see, can recognize, the Son (Jesus) and believes on Him will have everlasting life and will be raised from the dead to live that everlasting life.

So, at this point, when we pray for God’s will to be done, we’re praying for Jesus to have everything God the Father wants Him to have, and that includes all those who will be raised to eternal life because of their faith in Jesus, who is God’s Messiah.

2 Peter 3:9, 15 tell us that God doesn’t want anyone to perish or be destroyed. He doesn’t want anyone to be separated from His presence forever through disobedience to His will. We wants everyone to believe in Jesus. God is patient toward people and is willing to give them time to hear about and believe in Jesus.

We have to ask the question, “When people hear about Jesus, why don’t all of them believe in Jesus?” Genesis 4:3-7 reveals an example that sheds some light on the answer to the question.

Here’s an important concept about unbelief that is presented in this passage–People will be accepted by God if they do what is right in His eyes. But if they refuse to do what is right, then they will be rejected. Sin tries to control people to get them to do wrong.

Cain wasn’t accepted because his offering to God was not the proper offering. God told him that if he was rejected, it was because he had sin in his motives, in his life, when he brought the improper sacrifice. Cain could have been accepted by bringing the right offering, but he chose not to do that. God allowed Cain to be able to choose to do right, but he chose not to. This is the important concept of having a free will to choose right or wrong.

God has given mankind the freedom to choose to believe in Jesus. The sad truth is that not everyone will do that because sin has control of them, just like sin had control of Cain.

When we pray for God’s will to be done, we are praying for people to choose to believe in Jesus. We are praying for people to flee from disobedience to God and toward a life of faith that leads to everlasting life. The free will that people have gives them the choice to decide to believe and the choice not to believe. God wants them to believe, but he doesn’t force them to believe.

Another example of this is found in Isaiah 1:18-20 as God speaks through the prophet to Israel. God wanted Israel to obey Him and receive His blessings. He let them know that in no uncertain terms. But he warned them that if they refused Him and rebelled, then they would be destroyed.

God has been offering people the choice to live in His will and be blessed down through the ages. When we pray that God’s will be done, we are praying for people to make the choice to live in God’s will, to believe in Jesus and to receive His rewards as a result of their belief.

Have you chosen to believe in Jesus and live in the will of God? If you believe that God raised Jesus from the grave and has given Him all authority in heaven and on earth, then you can make the choice today to be forgiven of any wrongdoing or rebellious thought, action or word. The first step is to admit you believe. The second step is to ask God to forgive you. Then publicly profess your belief by being baptized in water.

Please allow me to pray for you right now: “Dear Heavenly Father, if there is anyone reading this post today who has not asked you to forgive them, I pray that the Holy Spirit will give them the courage to ask for that forgiveness right now. Help them believe that Jesus really did live, die and rise again to eternal life so they can be forgiven by placing their eternal future in His hands. Help them to choose to live in Your will by accepting Jesus as their savior right now. In the precious name of Jesus and so that He can receive glory for what He accomplishes in this life, I ask this prayer. Amen.”

If you made that choice today, would you please contact us. We’re here to help you grow in your faith in Jesus in any way we can and to pray for you and with you about any need you may have. Click on the CONTACT US button to use any of several ways to let us know your requests. God Bless & we pray that God’s will be done in your life.

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