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Palm Sunday Service

Have your Bible handy in order to look up scripture references mentioned in this message. To access the video version of this message , click here.

Have you ever wondered why palm fronds are connected to this Christian holiday known as Palm Sunday? I did, and I discovered that the beginnings of the use of palm branches on this Sunday have their origin in Old Testament scriptures.

(Reference–Leviticus 23: 34-44). During their travels in the wilderness, God established several special holy days for the people of Israel. One of these day was the Festival of Tabernacles/Shelters or Feast of Tabernacles/Shelters. This feast commemorates the time when God brought Israel out of Egypt and they lived in huts or shelters while on the way to the land God promised to give to the descendents of Abraham. It celebrates when God brought them out of slavery and into freedom.

Those tree limbs and palm branches mentioned in Leviticus were used as a covering for the huts. They provided the people with protection from the sun and other elements of nature.

Deliverance from Egypt was not the only time God freed them from bondage. (Reference–Nehemiah 8: 14-18) Later in their history, they went into Babylonian captivity. As that captivity ended, the pagan king allowed Israelites to return to Jerusalem, the capital of the southern part of the kingdom, to rebuild and inhabit it.

During the rebuilding, the Book of the Law was found, and when the leaders found the instructions concerning the Feast of Tabernacles, they decided to re-institute the holy day. They celebrated with great joy because God had brought them out of bondage again. They built the huts using, among other items, palm fronds. Once again the palms were a sign of protection and deliverance.

Let’s fast-forward to the day Jesus entered Jerusalem riding the donkey like King David had entered the city. (Reference–John 12: 12-15). The people brought palms and laid them on the road like we roll out a red carpet for special people. They waved the palms with joy and cheers of, “Hosanna!”

They were celebrating an anticipated freedom from Rome. They were giving glory to God for the prophet who was performing so many miracles. They were looking forward to a descendent of David, the anointed Messiah, bringing them deliverance again.

Fast-forward one more time. (Reference–Revelation 7: 9-17). These redeemed people were celebrating in the vision because God had given them eternal freedom from all the effects of living in this fallen world we call life. They had been delivered from all the hurts, worry, frustrations, pain, heartaches and other bad stuff that came to mankind because of disobedience to the will of God. They had been freed one last time, and they were waving the palms to display their joy at that freedom.

It would have been great yo be at the first Feast of Tabernacles. It would have been great to have been at the rebuilding of Jerusalem. It would have been fantastic to have seen Jesus enter Jerusalem riding that donkey. But it will be even more wonderful to be in the number in heaven that are giving glory to the Lamb of God, Jesus, the Messiah.

How marvelous it will be to be among the redeemed multitudes who wave palms in heaven because they have been delivered eternally. Many of you reading this have already chosen to be in that number. Give thanks to God today for your deliverance.

If you are not sure that you will be in that great number of people who give glory to Jesus and the Father in heaven, you can be sure before you finish this post. The Bible states that if you believe Jesus died so you can be forgiven and that God raised Him from the dead to conquer all the works of evil, then you can be in that number. The good news about Jesus is simple–believe in your heart that Jesus is alive and lives forever and profess with your mouth that you put your eternal future in His hands. Ask God to forgive your wrong thoughts, words or actions. Believe in Jesus and ask Him to be your Redeemer.

Allow me to pray for you right now…”God in heaven, I come to you in the authority placed in the name of Jesus. I intercede for anyone reading this. I ask you to send your Holy Spirit to draw them to your love and forgiveness. I ask you to let them sense your presence, your love and your forgiveness. Let them know their future includes being able to give you glory in heaven. Amen.”

If you made that decision to believe in Jesus and ask God to forgive you today, please contact us. We are here to help you grow in your faith in Jesus and to learn about His teachings. Let us know about any special prayer requests you may have.

If you already believe in Jesus, we would love to hear about any testimonies you may have about how God is working in your life.

Please leave comments if you desire to do so. You are invited to visit & like our FB page–Westville AG. (Be sure it’s the one with the bright “We Pray” for the cover photo.

May God bless you and keep you safe. We look forward to seeing you online for our next post.

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