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Notes for Think about Justice & Purity

Philippians 4:8 KJVS [8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

For the last two services, we have been looking at changing the way we think so we can change our words and actions.  Last week we considered learning to think about things that are true and honest.  We’ll continue that line of thought today.  Let’s begin with thinking about justice.

Justice—fair-minded, impartial, objective

Prejudiced nullifies justice.  Preconceived ideas about what we consider right or wrong will cloud our thinking, especially if our sources for determining justice are dishonest or don’t demonstrate the truth of God’s laws.  We must think about how we can overcome our preferences so we can be fair-minded in our dealings with other people.

As much as we would like to think we have no prejudices or preconceived ideas about people, places or events, if we examine our hearts under the light of Christ’s love for all people, we will have to admit that our past experiences and associations with people can have an effect on how we perceive others.  Let us always strive to see people with God’s eyes and not our own.  

Jesus gave several descriptions of being impartial and fair-minded to people in His teachings.  He pointed out the sinfulness of showing favoritism to particular people, like showing favoritism to the rich or influential and degrading poor people.  The scriptures plainly state that God is not a respecter of persons—in other words, God is impartial and objective in dealing with people.  Once again, read what Jesus taught about applying justice and think about how you can live out what He taught.

There is a statue connected to the judicial system called Lady Justice.  The statue is a blindfolded woman holding a set of pivoting balance scales.  The statue represents justice for all in the judging of legal matters.  She is blindfolded to demonstrate that justice should be blind to appearances and determine truth from lies based on evidence alone.  Let facts determine which way the scales lean.

Our lives as followers of Jesus need to be like Lady Justice.  We need to determine justice, being fair to others, based on God’s truths, not on our prejudices.

Purity—unblended, uncontaminated, refined

On a shelf in our kitchen we have a bottle of vanilla extract that came from Mexico.  The only thing in the bottle is vanilla extract.  We also have a bottle of almond flavoring.  But that bottle contains water, alcohol to the tune of 32%, and a chemical containing almond flavor.  The vanilla is pure.  The almond is blended.  One could even say it is contaminated because it contains something other than almond extract.  When we use the vanilla, we only get vanilla.  When we use the almond, we get other things that are blended with the almond flavor.

Philippians tells us to think on things that are pure.  The information we allow into our minds must be refined and uncontaminated with the world’s point of view.  If we allow things into our minds that have been compromised with and blended with sinfulness, then what comes out from our hearts will be actions and words that reflect the blending of truth and honesty with deceit and falsehood.

We’re told in scripture that a bitter pool of water can’t produce fresh, sweet water.  Just a few drops of the poison arsenic will make a glass of tea deadly.  Allowing a little bit of evil into  our thoughts will contaminate them.

Where do we find purity?  We find it in the same place we find truth, honesty and justice.  We look to the example Jesus gave us in the gospels.  We look to the advice of Paul, Peter and the other writers of the New Testament.  We must base our thoughts on the characteristics of God and His people so we can find examples of purity on which to think.  

Celebrities like actors and famous athletes who have taken up the promotion of sex outside of marriage, disloyalty, greed, the murder of innocent unborn children, covetousness, sexual perversions, gluttony, pornography and attaining political power at any cost have contaminated and compromised truth, honesty and justice with the evils originating in spiritual darkness and sin.  Stop trying to be like celebrities who promote evil and emulate people from the Bible like Ruth, Hannah, Samuel, Priscilla, Silas, Mary or Timothy.  If you want to be like someone, be like Jesus.

Think on justice and purity.

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