Letter # 5

Dear Small Church Pastor,

Build supportive relationships with other small church pastors. You’ve already ready my suggestions to involve other people with you in ministry. You need the help of your congregation as you minister to them and with them. You simply cannot do everything alone.

There is another source of help available for you, if you will make contact with that group and build meaningful relationships with the people in it. That group is made up from all those other small church pastors in your area. Those folks can help you, and you can help them.

When you begin to reach out to other pastors, avoid the temptation to center your conversations on the bad stuff you encounter. Satan would like nothing more than for you to tear each other down by constantly dragging up past or present hurts and disappointments. Do not avoid problems; just don’t only rehearse and nurse them. Use your time together to talk about how to reverse them.

Ask questions to gain knowledge and insights the other pastors have. Talk about successes and future plans together. Listen to what’s in their hearts, and share what’s in yours. You can help each other. You can encourage each other, pray for each other and remind each other that each one of you is not working in the kingdom of God alone. You are on a great and powerful team, and good team members work together to win the game. You are in the most important “game” of all time–the contest between the kingdom of light/good and the kingdom of darkness/evil.

Getting together with other pastors is an action you are going to have to intentionally fulfill. You must intentionally choose to associate with other pastors for mutual support. If your fellowship or denomination has regular opportunities to gather for support, take advantage of them. (If not, create some.) Go to the trainings, conferences, meetings and luncheons every chance you get. I understand you can’t attend every meeting available, but you can stop making excuses for not attending and go to some of them.

One last thought before I close–I used to be like Moses and thought I had to deal with everything by myself, because I was the pastor. A fellow minister stepped up as my “Jethro” and helped me to realize that not seeking help, advice and encouragement from others was a bad decision on my part. I’m glad I listened to him. I chose to set aside my pride and self-sufficient attitude and get help with what I was facing. I sometimes forget his advice, but when I follow it, I am a better pastor.

There is help out there for small church pastors. Part of that help lies in other small church pastors. Build supportive relationships with other small church pastors.


A Small Church Pastor

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