Letter # 4

Dear Small Church Pastor,

K. I. S. S. (Not the rock band.) Keep. It. Simple., Stupid. It’s been said so much that is has become a cliche’. But it’s still a great rule of thumb for ministry. The gospel is the simple and uncomplicated news that anyone can be restored to a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus because Jesus is the Messiah. The enemy of your ministry will do anything he can to prevent you from staying on track with that simple, uncomplicated message.

As Pastors of a small part of God’s flock, we feel responsible for any and all activities, programs, outreaches, hospital visits, encouraging phone calls, discipleship training, prayer meetings, youth outings, special songs on Sundays, or any other “good works” that occur in, for or through our congregations. As the shepherd of that local flock, you definitely are the leader of the flock and should be aware of what’s going on in, for and through the flock. But you have not been called to do all the good works yourself.

Each sheep in your flock has been given gifts, talents and strengths by the Holy Spirit. Part of your job is to help the sheep discover the attributes God has placed in their lives and to use them to fulfill the work of the whole body in the local church. The body won’t achieve its calling from God if the only part working is the heart. You do not have to do everything by yourself.

Satan tries to get you to become so busy directing all the activities of the congregation that you lose focus of what your job as Pastor really is. He tries to complicate your life with so many meetings, reports, trips and responsibilities that you forget to focus on the good news you are to keep before them as they mature as disciples.

The truth of the matter is that you are to help your people become mature disciples so they can take their place in ministry within the local church body beside you as the whole congregation moves forward for the kingdom of God. The truth of the matter is that you should not and cannot do it all by yourself, and I, personally, believe you will overload and deter your ministry if you try to do everything alone. Sometimes we small church Pastors become so distracted in our ministry that we fail to realize this.

We become overwhelmed by ministry because, without recognizing what is happening, we have allowed the devil to complicate what we do for God’s kingdom. I’ll say it again–you do not have to do everything by yourself. One effective way to uncomplicate your ministry is by including your congregation in ministry. And teach them to keep their own ministry uncomplicated, too.

The gospel is simple. Ministry does not have to be so complicated that we lose sight of that simplicity. K. I. S. S..


A Small Church Pastor

2 thoughts on “Letter # 4”

  1. Right on my friend. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Follow Jesus. Hey that’s what a Christian is anyway.

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