Letter # 3

Dear Small Church Pastor,

Trust God’s timing. He gave you the vision to pursue. He promised to meet all your needs if you will seek His righteousness and His kingdom first. He will bring the vision into reality if you will focus on it and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but it will happen in His timetable, not yours.

All me to illustrate what I’m saying. Our congregation was led by the Holy Spirit into creating a safe place for local youth and children to gather with their friends. Since God uses people to achieve His works on this earth sometimes, He began to put people with the right skills, knowledge and resources into our path.

However, the moving of those people is taking time. We had hoped to have the buildings ready in a particular time frame. That didn’t happen. I firmly believe it didn’t happen at the time we wanted it to happen because God has something greater in store for us than we originally envisioned. He is orchestrating peoples’ lives to be a blessing to us and to work their own lives out for good, also. And that takes time.

If you can believe God has given you the vision to achieve, believe He will bring it to pass at the right time. Exercise patience. Keep praying. Keep on leading your flock toward spiritual maturity. Continue to cast the vision before your congregation and encourage them to persevere in the face of difficulties or delays. Trust God’s timing.


A Small Church Pastor

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