WestvilleAG.org Uncategorized June 14, 2020–“Deeper Needs”

June 14, 2020–“Deeper Needs”

Acts 3:6-8 NLT. [6] But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” [7] Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. [8] He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God, he went into the Temple with them.

The man had a need deeper than money.  He had never been able to walk.  Others had to carry him whever he went.  He needed money to eat that day.  He needed mobility to take care of himself and eat every day.  Dealing with the deeper need for mobility would change his life and effect his daily need.

God supplied that deeper need through someone attuned to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.   Peter and John were on their way to a prayer meeting.  These men had not just experienced the presence of Jesus for a few years.  They were carrying on His work and fulfilling the command to tell others about Jesus.  They were in tune with the Holy Spirit of God and came by the Beautiful Gate on the right day at the right time.  In all likelihood they had seen this beggar many times before.  On that day, though, God had a special plan in mind for the beggar and for His two disciples.  Peter spoke healing into the man’s life.

The man praised God before everyone when his deeper need to walk was met.  He was expecting some money, but he received healing.  His underlying need for mobility was met through the powerful name of Jesus, and he became ecstatic at that event and began running and leaping and praising God.  He knew his life had been completely changed, and he gave God glory for that change.

People were drawn to see what had happened.  Please notice that the folks who were attending that prayer meeting all knew who this man was.  They were at a prayer meeting and were astounded at a miraculous intervention by God in someone’s life.  His praises had gotten their attention.  They became curious when the commotion started and wanted to see what was going on.  His obvious change amazed them.

How can we apply this story from 2,000 years ago to our world today?  Allow me to take a few minutes to respond to that question.  We have people we pass every day who have deeper needs than the obvious ones we see on the surface.  

We see news articles about people arrested for possession of meth.  Their superficial need for the next high is covering their need to be set free from addiction.  We hear someone talking about not being able to pay their rent because their unemployment check hasn’t come yet.  The rent is drawing our attention away from their need for a consistent way to earn an honorable living.  We watch social media clips of peaceful protestors exercising their First Ammendment rights by carrying signs with one man’s name on them.  The signs are covering a deeper need to interact with people who have good hearts instead of evil ones.

All the turmoil, fear, riots, political controversy, worries about COVID 19 and uncertainty about financial matters are the needs we see on the surface of our society today.  Our society has a deeper need than those needs.  Our society is being held hostage by people who are speaking and acting from what appears to be hearts full of evil, instead of hearts full of good.  People today don’t need another stimulus check from the government.  What they need is to experience the love and mercy of God from people who do have good hearts.

Here are some big questions for us today—are we attuned to the Holy Spirit enough to be able to see past the superficial needs so we can see the deeper needs?  And when we see and understand those needs, are we willing to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to take the necessary actions to meet those deeper needs?  Are we willing to stretch our faith and invoke the authority in the name of Jesus to speak healing into those lives with deeper needs?  

Last week I spoke about how God knows what’s in our hearts.  We began to learn the short song “Change My Heart, Oh God,” and at the close of the service we prayed for God to help us have pure hearts before him.  Are we drawing close enough to God to be able to hear His voice when He wants us to become involved in the lives of people with deeper needs?

We have a vision of creating a Children’s and Youth Center so we can make an impact on the families in our communities.  Let’s continue to spread that vision to families with children so they’ll know we are taking concrete steps toward meeting some of the deeper needs in this area.  We also would like to see a strong Singles’ Group develop.  Let’s pray about how these two parts of our vision for the future can help people have their deeper needs met.

I have a challenge for you today.  I firmly believe God sent this message to this congregation today so that everyone listening or watching online will begin to meet the deeper needs of people we will encounter this coming week.  We can’t help everyone, but everyone here can help someone.  I challenge you today to open your spiritual eyes so you can see the deeper needs of someone in your world this week.  Then act on what you see.  Follow God’s guidance and help someone this coming week.  Show the love and mercy of God to someone.  Let some hurting person know God’s power still meets the deeper needs.  

It’s possible someone reading this today has a need that lies beneath what we can see with our eyes.  God knows your heart, and He knows what you need.  If you would like special prayer about that need, please contact us. Would you allow us to pray with you and for you?  Take a step of faith and contact us for special prayer.

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