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Everyday Gifts–The Holy Spirit

Notes follow the video for the hearing impaired.

Our series on Everyday Gifts sent to us by God has looked at enjoying the fruits of our labors, being contented, having understanding, being able to please God, and, the greatest gift, salvation, being forgiven of our sins.  Allow me a few minutes today to look at another gift God places in our lives as followers of Jesus. 

            Before I begin, please understand something.  The baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of the essential teachings of this church.  I have already spoken about the Holy Spirit a couple of times this year, and, since we have some new folks meeting with us now, allow me to encourage you once again to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

            If you’re new to the idea of being filled with God’s Spirit, listen closely to what I’ll say.  If you have been around Christianity awhile and have not been filled with this gift, listen closely, too.  God wants to fill you with this gift.  Listen to the words of the Apostle Peter as he addressed a large crowd of people on the streets of Jerusalem 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead:  Acts 2:38-39 KJVS [38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. [39] For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

            Jesus had told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were filled with power from on high.  That power came in the form of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  This promised gift from God is intended for every believer.  Salvation is intended for every person who will believe in Jesus as the Savior, and being filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit is intended for every person called to that salvation and forgiveness by God.

            Sometimes people learn about repenting of sins and being forgiven, but they do not learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Listen to this experience Paul had when he found some people in the city of Ephesus who had asked God to forgive them.  It comes from Acts 19:2-7 NLT. [2] “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” he asked them. “No,” they replied, “we haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” [3] “Then what baptism did you experience?” he asked. And they replied, “The baptism of John.” [4] Paul said, “John’s baptism called for repentance from sin. But John himself told the people to believe in the one who would come later, meaning Jesus.” [5] As soon as they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. [6] Then when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied. [7] There were about twelve men in all.

            These people had not heard about the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  When they found out about it, they were filled after the apostles baptized them in water in the name of Jesus and put their hands on them for them to receive the gift.  In the regions of the world where people learn about Jesus and forgiveness of sins for the first time, this scene of believing, being baptized in water and then being filled with the Holy Spirit is played out day after day in the same way it occurred in the book of Acts. 

            Listen to what I am about to say to you. There have been thousands of books and essays written about the gift of the Holy Spirit.  There have been thousands of sermons preached and debates held about the gift.  You can find many, many videos on YouTube that discuss the gift.  Don’t let all the books, essays, sermons, debates or videos complicate how you receive this gift from God. 

            You receive this gift just like you receive any other gift from God.  You believe it exists and that God is offering it to you.  Then you let Him know you want this gift He offers to you.  It’s as simple as that.  Listen to Luke 11:13 NLT. [13] So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”

            Unfortunately, I’m afraid we’ve complicated this gift for too many people.  I’m afraid we try to make receiving the gift into a cookie cutter or a stretch sweater that’s a one-size-fits-all affair.    God knows your personality.  He knows how you respond to new experiences.  He knows how to fill you in a manner that will be consistent with who you are and who He is.

            Some ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit and dance or shout or speak in tongues loudly.  Others ask to be filled and will cry or moan or laugh as the Holy Spirit takes over their voices to speak through them.  Still others quietly yield to God’s gift as the Spirit brings a language they have never learned to their mouths and they speak with soft voices.

            Being filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit does not cost you anything.  You don’t have to say a particular phrase.  There’s no special song you have to sing or good deed you have to perform.  The gift does not involve being saved for “X” number of years, nor does it require being an official member of any church.  Receiving the gift of being filled with the Holy Spirit only requires that you be a believer in Jesus, a follower of Jesus.  If you have been forgiven of you sins, then you have met the only Biblical requirement I have ever found in order to ask God to give you this gift.

            Keep in mind that when God chooses to give you any gift in any fashion anywhere at any time, His gift will bring Him glory.  His gifts always bring praises to Him.  His gifts always are meant to strengthen you and help you in your relationship with Him.  His gifts always bring blessings into your life, and those blessings point you to Him.

            God wants you to have this gift of the Holy Spirit’s presence dwelling in you, just like He wants all to come to repentance and be forgiven so they won’t perish and be separated from Him for all eternity.  God freely gives salvation and forgiveness to those who ask for that gift, and He freely gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask for that one, too.

            If you want to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit today, ask God to fill you up to overflowing with His Spirit.  Believe He will give you the gift.  Then simply wait for it to happen.  It’s time to talk to God about this gift.  It’s yours; receive it.

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