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Easter Service, April 12, 2020 The Resurrection: Predicted and Fulfilled

Have your Bible handy to look for scriptures mentioned in this post.

Today is Easter Sunday, also referred to as Resurrection Sunday. It’s the day when followers of Jesus throughout the world celebrate His resurrection from the grave after His crucifixion. Today we celebrate victory over death, hell and the grave that Jesus won by taking His life back up after He sacrificed Himself so that anyone who believes in Him might be forgiven of sins and live eternally with Him in the presence of the Father in heaven.

The Old Testament speaks to the concept of the resurrection in several places. In Job 19:25-27, Job is given insight into the future that godly people would one day be raised to be in the presence of a redeemer.

King David prophesied that the Messiah, the anointed one of God, would not stay in a grave in Psalm 16:10.

The prophet Hosea describes the defeat of death and the grave in the first part of Hosea 13:14.

Jesus was approached one day by a group of Sadducees, who did not believe in a bodily resurrection in Matthew 22:31-32. He set the record straight for them when he told them that they did not understand the scriptures, and that they did not know the power of God, who was the God of the living, not the dead.

Jesus even mentioned being rewarded for good works when a person is raised from the dead in the resurrection of the righteous in Luke 14:13-14. He also let people know that he would raise up those who believed in Him in the last day. Finally, Jesus described Himself as the source of the resurrection in the story about raising His friend Lazarus, after he had died in John Chapter 11.

The Old Testament predicted the resurrection, and Jesus taught about it. How do we know Jesus did rise from the dead? The apostle Paul answers that question in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8. He lists several people and groups of people who saw a very much alive Jesus after He rose from the grave. Included in the people were Cephas (Peter), the twelve disciples, five hundred people at one time, James and himself, Paul.

Twelve of the New Testament books mention the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is a fundamental doctrine of Christianity. Christ rose from the dead, and those who believe in Him will also rise one day. Jesus rose from the dead to prove He is Messiah, the redeemer of mankind.

Since His resurrection, the alive Jesus has been the topic of volumes of books, poems, songs, novels, documentaries, essays, films and debates. (One of the songs that I especially enjoy is the award-winning song by Don Francisco “He’s Alive.”)

If you believe in your heart that Jesus rose from the dead and confess with your mouth, and then ask God to forgive you of all your wrong thoughts, words or actions, then you will be forgiven and you will be saved from the power of spiritual death. Your physical body may wear out and die, but your spirit will live forever in the presence of God.

You may be reading this post today and have not been forgiven of your wrongdoings. Will you ask God to forgive you? Will you believe that Jesus’ resurrection did happen and place your eternal future in His hands through faith in Him?

Allow me to pray for everyone reading right now–“Heavenly Father, I come to you under the authority you have placed in the name of your Messiah, Jesus. I ask that you encourage all those who believe in His sacrifice on the cross as the eternal sacrifice for sins. I ask that you increase their faith and that you would meet their needs this day. I pray for those who may not have believed yet. I ask that you send the Holy Spirit to draw them to faith in Jesus right now. Help them to believe Jesus really did rise up from the grave to conquer the works of satan so they can be freed from their sins. Help them to ask for forgiveness of their sins, and grant them that forgiveness through your mercy and grace. I give you the glory you deserve for what you are doing right now. Amen.”

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God bless and hope to see you online again soon.

1 thought on “Easter Service, April 12, 2020 The Resurrection: Predicted and Fulfilled”

  1. I’m amazed at how the Holy Spirit is using this post and spreading it around. Almost 100 people have viewed the video of this message. To God be the glory.

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