Malachi 2:5-7 NLT [5] “The purpose of my covenant with the Levites was to bring life and peace, and that is what I gave them. This required reverence from them,
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Sunday, April 4, 2021 “The Price of the Harvest“Sunday, April 4, 2021 “The Price of the Harvest“
Galatians 4:4-5 KJVS. [4] But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, [5] To redeem them
Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 4)Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 4)
Malachi 2:1-4; 8-9. NLT. [1] “Listen, you priests-this command is for you! [2] Listen to me and make up your minds to honor my name,” says the LORD of Heaven’s
Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 3)Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 3)
Malachi 1:11—But my name is honored by people of other nations from morning till night. All around the world they offer sweet incense and pure offerings in honor of my
Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 2)Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 2)
Malachi 1:6-10, 12-14 [6] The LORD of Heaven’s Armies says to the priests: “A son honors his father, and a servant respects his master. If I am your father and
Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 1)Ten Minutes with Malachi (Lesson 1, Part 1)
Malachi 1:2-5. [2] “I have always loved you,” says the LORD. But you retort, “Really? How have you loved us?” And the LORD replies, “This is how I showed my
Ten Minutes with James (Lesson 9, Part 5)Ten Minutes with James (Lesson 9, Part 5)
James 5:19-20 NLT [19] My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, [20] you can be sure that whoever brings
The Goal Is the Harvest, Not How We Plant. (Feb 21, 2021)The Goal Is the Harvest, Not How We Plant. (Feb 21, 2021)
Farmers have been planting seeds and harvesting crops for centuries. How the planting and harvesting is done has changed over the years, but the goal of having a harvest has
Ten Minutes with James (Lesson 9, Part 1)Ten Minutes with James (Lesson 9, Part 1)
In Lesson 3, Part 3, we dealt with the first six verses of James Chapter 5. These verses deal with the rich and how they had defrauded workers, as well
Ten Minutes with James (Lesson 8, Part 5)Ten Minutes with James (Lesson 8, Part 5)
Have your Bible handy to refer to the scriptures listed. James 4:17 KJVS. [17] Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is