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Be Transformed–Our Living Sacrifice

Notes for the hearing impaired follow the video.

Romans 12:1 KJVS

[1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

            The priest washed his hands and got ready to kill the next animal.  His week of service was almost over.  Only one more day of slaughtering rams and bullocks.  Only one more day of the sounds of dying animals and the smell of all that blood.  Only one more day of placing the pieces of the animals on the fire to be burned up.  One more day and he could go home to his family.  Then another priest would be chosen by casting lots to take his place so the sacrifices could continue.  One more day.

            The Mosaic Law given to Israel involved continuous sacrifices that were ceremonial coverings for sins, but the sacrifices were never able to do away with sins of the people. Jesus came to offer a more perfect sacrifice that would be able to bring spiritual rebirth to people.  His sacrifice fulfilled the purpose of the law.  It did away with the law involving the continual killing of animals to cover the sins of the people and replaced it with a new covenant, a new law, that was based on the one-time sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  His sacrificial death resulted in the elimination of the need for the constant flow of the blood of dead animals.  And His resurrection established His power over sin, death and the grave.  Jesus is alive forevermore and enables those who believe in Him to live again spiritually.

            The old law blood sacrifices were all offered as the animals were killed.  The source of the physical sacrifice died.  The new law sacrifices do not require the deaths of the sources of the sacrifices.  The new spiritual sacrifices are to come from sources that are alive.

            Listen to 1 Peter 2:5 KJVS. [5] Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.  The sacrifices we offer to God are living sacrifices that come from living sources.  We are alive again spiritually, and we offer ourselves alive physically to God as members and priests of His holy household.

            Here’s a question for you—How do we offer holy, living sacrifices to God?  We need only to look to scripture to find the answer.  Hebrews 13:15-16 NLT. [15] Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. [16] And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

            One way we offer living sacrifices is by praising God.  We offer thanks to the living, true God and lift Him up as our Lord, Savior, Provider and Protector.  We offer thanks for His promises.  We thank Him for placing His presence into our lives.  We thank Him for the Holy Spirit.  We thank Him for all the wonderful gifts He sends our way.  We offer continual thanks and praise His holy name.

             We also offer living sacrifices when we do good and when we share with those in need.  Just what is doing good?  Acts 10:38 tells us that Jesus went about doing good.  If we’re going to transform ourselves into being like Jesus, then we’ll do the same things He did.  He taught others how to live in a right relationship with God and people.  He took the good news about forgiveness to the outcasts of society, to the poor and to the common folks like us.  Jesus showed us how to live in a way that was a benefit to everyone we encounter.  That’s how Jesus did good, and it’s how we can do good, too.

            Jesus also shared with those in need.  He constantly demonstrated His compassion for those who were suffering under some type of burden.  He healed every diseased person brought to Him.  He freed every individual He encountered who was demon possessed.  He encouraged all those burdened by life and offered them rest and help in time of their need.  He provided physically and spiritually for those who were oppressed, afflicted and hurt by life’s hardships.  That’s how Jesus shared with those in need, and it’s how we can share with those in need, too.   

            Now, let’s look at the idea of presenting a holy living sacrifice to God as we are thankful, do good and share with those in need.  2 Corinthians 7:1 KJVS. [1] Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  To offer holy living sacrifices, we need to cleanse ourselves, or remove from us, all filthiness from our flesh and our spirit and perfect holiness in the fear of God. 

            Filthiness is the translated word for the Greek word for immorality.  We are to do away with things that are immoral from both our bodies, our physical life, and from our spirits.  In order to know what is immoral in God’s eyes, we must read His word.  Read the Bible!  Then strive to eliminate anything immoral from your life.

            If scriptures declare something as evil, then it is evil, whether it is legal or not.  If God says don’t do something, don’t do that action or dwell on that thought or say that word, even if everyone around you is.  God plainly tells us how to live in holiness.  Choose to follow His instructions.

            Strive to perfect holiness in all you think, say and do.  That word perfect in this verse means accomplishing or completing.  We are to strive to accomplish living in holiness.  How can we do that?  Once again, we look to the Bible.

1 Peter 2:11 KJVS. [11] Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJVS. [22] Abstain from all appearance of evil.  (NLT—[22] Stay away from every kind of evil.)

            Abstaining from fleshly lusts and staying away from every kind of evil are difficult to achieve in our society today.  We are constantly bombarded with images promoting the desires of the flesh, things that are appealing to our eyes and things that draw us toward pride in our abilities and accomplishments.  I said it was difficult, but it is not impossible.

            We can stay away from evil by being transformed in how we think.  We can stop focusing on evil things and turn our focus onto Jesus instead.  We can focus on being like Jesus.  He is our new standard for living. 

            We do not have to be controlled by evil desires anymore.  We do not have to live in spiritual darkness anymore.  We can live in the light in spite of the spiritual darkness of this world.  We choose light over darkness and intentionally, purposefully remove evil from our physical and spiritual lives.

            We choose to become people who offer to God living sacrifices.  We choose to praise Him.  We choose to do good.  We choose to share with those in need.  We choose to control our fleshly lust.  We choose to avoid any appearance of evil.   We choose to live in holiness before God.

            When we make these choices, we become transformed from our old way of living to a life that pleases God.  When we make these choices, we are changed into a better image of Jesus.  When we make these choices, we let our lights shine brightly in this spiritually darkened world.  When we make these choices, we fulfill our reasonable service to God.

            You can decide today to offer a living sacrifice to God.  You can choose to serve God through how you live.  Be transformed into a better person today.  Make the choice.

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