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Be Transformed–Do Not Conform

Notes for the hearing impaired follow the video.

Romans 12:1 KJVS

[2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

            We live in a day when some in authority declare we must conform to their dictates or accept being ostracized from they call normal society.  They try to shame anyone who chooses not to comply and coerce them into obedience that way.    

            This attitude of conform or else face being rejected is just one of the principles that govern this fallen world.  We see it in almost every facet of life.  Commercials tell us we should buy a particular product in order to have shining teeth or follow a special diet to overcome weight gains from the recent holidays.  Our colleagues at work talk about people in TV or cable sitcoms as if they were family members and can’t comprehend that we don’t faithfully watch that show every week.  “Everyone watches that show,” they say to us and wonder if we’re normal.

            Climb the ladder to success at work.  Remember, it’s survival of the fittest out there.  You’d better prepare for the coming collapse of society.  Vote like I think you should, or you’re a racist.  You’re not part of the “in crowd” if you don’t wear this label on your clothes.

            The world wants you to conform to its rules and live by them.   The world screams, “Be like us or be square!”  The world focuses on rights and wants and pleasures and condemns you if you don’t see eye to eye with it.  The world doesn’t like people who disagree with it’s demands for conformity.

            There’s a reason the world doesn’t like non-conformists who disagree with it.  The ruler of this world suffers from pride and doesn’t like those who can see past his temporary front of being in charge.  The god of this world knows he doesn’t have much time to rule and tries to get everyone he can to live by his rules.  The one directing the spiritual darkness in the high places of this world doesn’t want you to avoid his future.  He wants to take you with him into eternal banishment from all that is good and holy in the presence of the creator of the universe.  The world’s darkness wants you to be overcome by darkness all the way to hell.

            The word conform means to comply with a set of rules, to accept, to adapt, to obey.  As disciples of Jesus, we are not to accept the world and its rules as the standard for our behavior.  We are to reject the principles that govern the world and live by the teachings of Christ, which are completely opposite to the way the world dictates we should live.

            How do we keep from conforming to the world? 

            1 John 5:4-5 KJVS. [4] For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. [5] Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

            Folks, you can stop conforming to the world and become transformed into a different type of person because you believe in Jesus.  You stop conforming to the world’s influence because you are striving to live like Jesus.  You are now non-conformists because you are now overcomers.

            As overcomers and non-conformists we live by the teachings of Jesus.  You’ve heard me say this many times before, and you will hear me say it many more times:  To know what Jesus taught, read the Bible! Expose your mind to the teachings of Jesus!  Read the Bible! 

            Start with the book of John.  Then read Matthew, Mark and Luke. Then read Acts.  Then read them all again. 

            If you’re a slow reader like I am, it’s ok.  If you’re a fast reader like Kathy, it’s ok.  The important thing is not how fast you read.  The important thing is to expose yourself to Jesus’ teachings.  You can download audible Bibles that you can listen to while driving or working around the house.  The way you expose yourself to the teachings of Jesus is not nearly as important as the exposure is.

            You’ll discover that Jesus taught two basic concepts.  First, love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.  Second, love your neighbor like you love yourself.  But don’t take my word for it.  Find out for yourself.

            The more you are exposed to Jesus through scriptures, the more like Him you will become.  The more like Jesus you are, the easier it will be to stop conforming to the world and to be transformed into a new person.

            You might be asking yourself if you really can understand and live by what Jesus taught.    Listen to 1 Corinthians 2:12,14 KJVS. [12] Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. [14] But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

            When you were born again spiritually by repenting of your sins and being forgiven, the Holy Spirit of God enabled you to begin to understand spiritual principles.  You are able to know what God wants you to think, say and do.  You are able to discover the gifts God has given you.  You are able to live by Jesus’ teachings now.

            The world can’t do those things.  The sinful world cannot understand why you now want to live like Jesus because it doesn’t understand the spiritual principles involved in believing in Jesus.  The world doesn’t understand why you no longer want to conform to its dictates.  The world is dead spiritually and cannot understand the spiritual evil that controls it.

            You are different from the world now.  You are now alive spiritually and can understand the spiritual principles that God has established for His kingdom and how they are so different from the spiritual evil in the world.  That understanding reveals to you the destructive evil force that controls the world, and you choose to reject that evil force and accept the good found in Christ and His teachings.

            I’ll say it again—The more like Jesus you become, the more you will stop conforming to the world.  The closer you walk with Jesus, the farther away from the world you will find yourself living.  The deeper you develop your relationship to Jesus, the greater will be your ability to live like Him.

             Jesus was the greatest non-conformist of all time.  He taught with absolute authority, even though He had not been trained to be a priest.  Jesus healed by declaring healing, without any special system for healing.  Jesus cast out demons, without using any ceremony of exorcism.  Jesus ministered to hurting people on the Sabbath, demonstrating His power to be Lord of the Sabbath.  Jesus forgave people’s sins, an action only God Jehovah was supposed to do. 

            Jesus was our example of not conforming to this world.  Strive to be a non-conformist.  Be the overcomer that you are through your faith.  Be like Jesus!

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