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A Few Minutes with Titus

Lesson 2, Part 3 (Notes follow the video for the hearing impaired.)

Titus 2:7-8 NLT

[7] And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. [8] Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.

            Paul continues his instructions to Titus by admonishing him to be an example of how to live according to Christ’s teachings.  Titus is to do good works of every kind.  He is to essentially live what he preaches. 

            By setting the example of Christlike behavior, Titus would be able to demonstrate to the new believers on the island of Crete that is was possible for them to change how they lived.  They would see someone living in holiness before God.  If Titus could live righteously, then they could believe they would be able to live righteously, too.

            Titus was to display a life of integrity.  Integrity has been defined as living in a way that consistently demonstrates good deeds done honestly, even when no one is watching you.  By being consistent in his lifestyle, Titus would be setting the proper example for the Cretans.  Remember that the people of Crete had very bad reputations, and their behavior was in dire need of changing to wholesome living.

            Titus was to also to seriously teach truth.  The importance of the gospel must not be presented in a fool-hardy or jesting manner.  Levity has its place, even in preaching.  However, foolishness or silliness should not be part of the presentation of salvation through faith in Jesus.  Titus was to teach the truth of the good news in such a manner that anyone who opposed him would not be able to dispute what he was saying.

            Through his living example that was based in truth, Titus would be able to make a positive impact on the new believers on Crete.  And those who opposed him would not have any good reasons for speaking badly about him or the gospel.

            Anyone today who is tasked with teaching or preaching should take Paul’s advice to Titus to heart.  Those who are responsible for instructing others in the teachings of Christ must be examples of those teachings in the everyday lives.  They must live what they preach.  By doing that, they cannot be condemned as being hypocrites, and anyone who tries to oppose their influence will not have any source for contradicting them.

            Our next video will discuss how slaves were to behave once they had become followers of Christ.

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