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A Few Minutes with Titus



Titus 2:1 KJVS

[1] But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

            Paul now turns his attention to the type of life Titus is to teach others to observe.

He is to teach sound doctrine, as translated in the King James Version of this verse.  This type of doctrine is in direct contrast to the deceptive, false teachings of the people who were not adhering to the teachings of Jesus alone. 

            The false teachers were mixing Christ’s instructions with Jewish traditions and myths, thereby leading people astray from the truth of the good news about Jesus.  Titus was to counteract their deception by teaching untainted, truthful doctrine as established by Jesus through his apostles.

            The New Living Translation words this verse like this:  Titus 2:1 NLT. [1] As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. 

            That word wholesome has physical meanings, which essentially refer to healthful, nutritious or beneficial to the body.   It also has ethical or spiritually based meanings.  Here is a list of some of those meanings:

                        moral, virtuous, pure, innocent, chaste, uplifting, non-erotic,

                        nonviolent, right-minded, honorable, honest, respectable, decent. 

            One informal meaning is “squeaky clean.”  The doctrine Titus was to teach was to reflect the kind of lifestyle that would be “squeaky clean” morally and spiritually.  Paul wanted Titus’s instructions to believers to be so above reproach that there would be no doubt as to their origins in Jesus’s teachings as presented by the good news about Christ.  Titus was to be an example of a truthful teacher of that good news, and that example would be a direct contrast to what the false teachers were telling the new believers.

            The next videos will look at what Titus was to teach to older and younger men and women and to slaves who were believers.

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