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A Few Minutes with Malachi

Lesson 4, Part 4 (Notes follow the lesson video.)

Malachi 4:5-6 NLT

[5] “Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD arrives. [6] His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.”

            The Lord ends His message to Israel through Malachi by telling them before the day of judgment and wrath arrives He will send the prophet Elijah to declare His words to them.  Elijah’s preaching will influence the hearts of the people, and they will turn from their selfish behavior back to having right relationships with each other.

            If the prophet who comes with Elijah’s spirit and power does not come first, God will strike the land with a curse.  The prophet will give people the opportunity to change their hearts and lives so they aren’t affected by the wrath of God against evil.

            God did indeed send a prophet in Elijah’s spirit, and he did turn people back to right relationships with each other and, especially, with God.  He also prepared the way for the appearing of Messiah.  We know that Jesus himself told the people of His day that John, the one who baptized with water to repentance, was that prophet.

            God always has a remnant who will worship Him, and He always has shown Himself merciful by sending His messengers to turn people back to Him before He brings His wrath to bear on wickedness.  He did this in Malachi’s day, through John the Baptist, through Messiah, who is Jesus, and through countless others who declared the good news that there is forgiveness by placing one’s trust in God.

            As we conclude our study of Malachi, allow me to ask you a personal question:  Have you strayed away from worship of God and allowed the evil of this temporal world to influence your relationship with God?  If you have, then there is grace and mercy extended to you today from God.  Ask God to forgive you and to help you live righteously before Him.  Change your thinking, change your habits, change your lifestyle and return to faith in God through putting your trust in His Son Jesus.

The next video will begin the study of the New Testament book of Titus. You are invited to share these studies and become part of them through asking questions you may have about the material presented on this page.

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