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A Few Minutes with Malachi

Lesson 4, Part 3 Notes. (Having trouble uploading the video of this lesson. Will get that posted as soon as possible.)

Malachi 4:4 NLT

[4] “Remember to obey the Law of Moses, my servant-all the decrees and regulations that I gave him on Mount Sinai for all Israel.

            God now tells Israel to remember to obey the commandments He had sent to them through Moses.  The book of Malachi is full of God pointing out how the priests have allowed disgraceful worship to exist in the nation.  God has given the people example after example of how they had moved away from properly living in His will.

            Just before the book ends, God makes a final statement to them about living in right relationship with Him.  He tells them to follow the instructions He sent to them.  Throughout this book, God has told them how to do that.  He gives Israel one last directive—follow my commandments.

            In His mercy, God is giving Israel another chance to live righteously before Him.  He has already told them what will happen if they do not do that.  He has plainly reminded them that the righteous will be rewarded, and the wicked will be punished.

            These same reminders apply to us today.  If we will simply live according to what God has laid out through the teachings of His Son, Jesus, then we will be able to live in a right relationship with Him.  God should not need to remind us of how to be holy before Him.  We have to ask ourselves if we will do what He says, or will we face His judgment when Christ returns?  The choice is ours to make.

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