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A Few Minutes with Malachi

Lesson 4, Part 1 (Notes follow the video.)

Malachi 4:1 NLT

[1] The LORD of Heaven’s Armies says, “The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. On that day the arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw. They will be consumed-roots, branches, and all.

            God had just promised the people who were faithful to Him that they would be spared from punishment when He judges the wicked.  He now gives them an analogy to describe how the wicked would be punished.  He uses the burning of dried straw in a furnace to let them know the extent and nature of the punishment.

            God lumps the arrogant and wicked together as being in line for this burning up.  Remember the arrogant had spurned the authority of God.  The wicked had rebelled against His will for mankind.  Both were dried up spiritually, just like dried straw.

            When God punishes them, He will throw them into the burning furnace of His wrath.  The punishment will not just be on the surface, like branches that can be seen.  The punishment will be against the roots, or the parts that give life to the wicked, too.

God will completely do away with them and all that brought evil into their lives.

            How does this relate to us today?  The promise God made to the faithful in Israel in Malachi is the same promise He makes to those who will remain faithful to Him in the modern church.  We are plainly told the evil doers will be separated forever from the presence of God by being thrown into the lake of fire.  They will be cast into outer darkness, where there will be torment, pain, and “gnashing of teeth”, as the King James version describes the separation.

            Remember that God will always do what He says He will do.  You can put your trust in His promises.  One of those promises is that the wicked will be punished.

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